A Guide to the Evolt Enterprise System

Payroll Processing

Steps to add timesheet

Timesheet is used to record during a payroll period, how many working hours or overtime hours for the employee.
For employees with monthly income or no overtime, timesheet is not required for payroll processing.
  1. Open the Employee List: Application Menu - Payroll - Employee - Employee List
  2. Click the Add Timesheet button next to the employee to open Timesheet screen.
  3. Type a description for the timesheet such as Jan 2011 OT.
  4. Set Start Date and End Date. Normally it should be month begining or end.
  5. Add # of hours for Overtime or Base Hourly.
    It is not necesary to record day by day. Instead, you can enter the lumsum # of hours in one line. For the date, choose any day inside the selected period.
  6. Click Save.

Steps to add salary loan

Optional step. Use it only when salary loan is given for the employee.
  1. Open the Employee List: Application Menu - Payroll - Employee - Employee List
  2. Click the Add Salary Loan button next to the employee to open Salary Loan screen.
  3. Set Loan Date and Loan Amount.
  4. Set Repayment Mode as Monthly or Adhoc. If monthly is selected, also set Monthly Repayment Amount.
  5. Set Data Status as Confirmed.
  6. Click Save.

Steps to create payslip

  1. Open the Employee List: Application Menu - Payroll - Employee - Employee List
  2. Click the Process Payroll button next to the employee to open payslip wizard screen.
  3. Choose month of pay slip.
  4. Fill in payroll item amount.
    Note: only fill in amount when the textbook is in gray.
  5. Click Process to open the payslip screen.
  6. Check and verfiy all the figures are calcualted correctly. Correc manually if needed.
  7. Set Data Status to Draft or Confirmed.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Print to print pay slip.

Steps to generate payroll report

  1. Open the Employee List: Application Menu - Payroll - Employee - Employee List
  2. Click report name at the page buttom to open report wizard screen.
  3. Set Start/End Date and report format.
  4. Click OK to download the report.